

In Greek mythology, the Nereids (neer'-ee-eds) are sea nymphs, the fifty daughters of Nereus and Doris. They often accompany Poseidon and are always friendly and helpful towards sailors fighting perilous storms. They are particularly associated with the Aegean Sea, where they dwelt with their father in the depths within a silvery cave. The most notable of them are Thetis, wife of Peleus and mother of Achilles; Amphitrite, wife of Poseidon; and Galatea, love of the Cyclops Polyphemus.

1. Actaea

2. Agave

3. Amathia

4. Amphinome

5. Amphithoe

6. Amphitrite

7. Apseudes

8. Arethusa

9. Asia

10. Autonoe

11. Beroe

12. Callianassa

13. Callianira

14. Calypso

15. Ceto

16. Clio

17. Clymene

18. Cranto

19. Creneis

20. Cydippe

21. Cymo

22. Cymatolege

23. Cymodoce

24. Cymothoe

25. Deiopea

26. Dero

27. Dexamene

28. Dione

29. Doris

30. Doto

31. Drymo

32. Dynamene

33. Eione

34. Ephyra

35. Erato

36. Eucrante

37. Eudore

38. Eulimene

39. Eumolpe

40. Eunice

41. Eupompe

42. Eurydice

43. Evagore

44. Evarne

45. Galene

46. Galatea

47. Glauce

48. Glauconome

49. Halie

50. Halimede

51. Hipponoe

52. Hippothoe

53. Iaera

54. Ianassa

55. Ianira

56. Ione

57. Laomedia

58. Leiagore

59. Leucothoe

60. Ligea

61. Limnoria

62. Lycorias

63. Lysianassa

64. Maera

65. Melite

66. Menippe

67. Nausithoe

68. Nemertes

69. Neomeris

70. Nesaea

71. Neso

72. Opis

73. Orithyia

74. Panopaea

75. Panope

76. Pasithea

77. Pherusa

78. Phyllodoce

79. Plexaure

80. Ploto

81. Pontomedusa

82. Pontoporia

83. Poulunoe

84. Pronoe

85. Proto

86. Protomedia

87. Psamathe

88. Sao

89. Spio

90. Thaleia

91. Themisto

92. Thetis

93. Thoe

94. Thoosa

In modern Greek folklore, the term "nereid" has come to be used of all nymphs, not merely nymphs of the sea.



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